NCC Estonia offers HPC-related trainings, consultation and free proof-of-concept for adacemia and SMEs. Below is a list of services that can be ordered from us. Please feel free to contact us to get more information about the offers. Also, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have a specific HPC need that isn’t listed below.

  • Cluster computing training

    Duration: 1 day. Minimum 5 persons.

  • Basic software workshop

    Duration: 1 day. Minimum 5 persons.

  • Workshop on access to national e-infrastructure and LUMI supercomputer

    Duration: 1 day.

  • Advanced software workshop

    Duration: 3 days. Minimum 5 persons.

  • Galaxy workflow analysis and optimization

    Duration: according to the customer's need.

  • Support by an HPC expert

    Duration: according to the customer's need. The topics may include software installation, posting, etc.

  • Expert consultancy

    Duration: according to the customer's need. The topics may include code development, data management, funding options, etc.

  • Webinar "Introduction to HPC"

    Duration: 2 hours

  • Package 1: Beginners start kit

    Duration: 1 week. Kit includes seminars and workshops on using software, programming models, porting and optimizing applications.

  • Package 2: PoC

    Duration: 4 weeks. Kit includes consulting, implementation, validation, and access to HPC resources.